Welcome to Shit Shui - the site where tree huggin, shit slingin, Gaia worshippin hippies unite!
Shit Shui is about positive energy. It's about having fun, filling your space with positive vibes and harmonizing your life with the beauty of nature. All of my products are handcrafted with love and I try to incorporate natural elements into almost everything I make; from using real wood and up-cycled materials to glass beads that capture and reflect the sun's rays. I feature an eclectic variety of unique crafts and my inventory varies from month to month as inspiration strikes.
I hope you enjoy browsing my site and don't forget to check out the community section for my blog and links to my favorite websites! Peace.
Your Zen starts here...
Shit Shrine
I closed my eyes, opened my mind, and my heart was lifted to soaring heights.
Coming Soon!
Community Page
Community is all about caring and sharing. Check out these links to our favorite sites!